Thursday, January 22, 2009

He did it!!

Oh, glorious day! Levi slept all night! I put him to bed at around 9 last night and I didn't hear so much as a peep out of him until just after 7 this morning!! (Lord, please don't let this be a one time thing!)

Natalie and Levi share a room, so over the long weekend we moved Natalies' crib into Ethan and Karis' room. I have always jumped out of bed at the first noise from Levi and done whatever it took to keep him from waking Natalie up (sometimes she'd still wake up, though). In the process, Levi expected me to get him back to sleep and some nights that was a long process! I knew he needed to learn to do some self-soothing, but what mom wants to listen to her baby boy crying "mamamama" and have to hold herself back from taking him in her arms to comfort him!?!? Each night has gotten easier, and hopefully last night was the first of many that he will sleep all night.

But, lest you think everything was just peachy keen in the Hunter household last night...Natalie was up at 3:45 and pretty upset about something that we couldn't quite pinpoint. She was a bit wet, so I changed her, but she still wasn't interested in quietly going back to sleep. So, in an effort to keep her from waking Ethan and Karis she came to bed with me and Mark. She was pretty restless for about an hour before finally falling back to sleep.

Someone tell me I WILL get a good night's sleep again before they are teenagers!?!?


Anonymous said... will but than they are teenagers and you are up at night for other reasons!!!!!! I love reading your blog. Continue to Walk with the KING!! Love Sue Ninneman

Ashlie said...

Yay for sleeping through the night! I hope they ALL do that for you tonight :)