Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My heart will sing no other name

I'm listening to this song over and over this week.  I recently read in a book {sorry that I can't disclose which one at this point} about how our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9)...that we should be careful not follow our hearts, but lead them instead. If I do not lead my heart, it will pursue whatever feels good at the moment.  There are moments that on it's own, it will choose to sing the name of Jesus, but there are too many others it will choose to sing the name of "me" {anger, selfishness, impatience, materialism}. I'm making an effort to call on the Holy Spirit to help me lead my heart in singing no other name, but Jesus.

If we get to sing earthly songs in Heaven {which I doubt we will}, I hope we sing this one...I imagine this has got be about as close as we can get here on earth to what worship will be like there. I need to get me to a Hillsong concert before I die!

{Sorry for the ads...YouTube didn't allow embedding with this video so I had to use Yahoo :O(}


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Anticipating Easter

I always dislike taking down my winter mantle decorations. Not that we have a ton of people over that would see that there is nothing on our mantle, but I just like to have it decorated {because, basically, our fireplace is huge and ugly}. I have some cozy Fall and Christmas decorations that I've accumulated over the years thanks to my mom, MIL, and little bit of clearance shopping, and I keep my snowmen up until the end of February. Even though I usually complain that I don't have anything to replace them, I very rarely find myself able to justify spending money on decorating.

A few weeks ago my friend Laura posted a link on Facebook showing this cute little Spring mantle decoration, and I finally convinced myself that I just needed to quit my gripin' and put one together. My mom was here for a couple days and {since she has much better decorating sense than I do} helped with some ideas {and moola :O)}

My mom and I were talking while she was here and discussing the fact that there doesn't seem to be much in the Protestant church about anticipating Easter Sunday like there is with Advent for Christmas. Catholics, of course do Lent, but we don't really have anything. {Although, I must insert here that we've witnessed our wonderful children's pastor has really been emphasizing this the past several weeks on Wednesday nights...asking the kids to "ponder their ways" each week in anticipation of the sacrifice that Christ made to forgive their wrongs...and we have greatly appreciated that.} Anyway, I added in an Easter "countdown" similar to the one I made for Christmas a few years ago. Each card has a several verses for us to read for the 28 days prior to Easter Sunday. My thought is that we'll read the verses and do some reflection on what Easter means for us as Believers.  Some nights we'll just have individual quiet time {at least the big kids will}, some nights we'll pray together, and some nights I'd like for us to pray for those friends and family that don't yet know Christ as Savior or have fallen away. The cards get flipped after the reading is complete and I put the words "He is Risen!" on the back.

So, pretty much mine ended up looking nothing like the inspiration {except for the birdhouses, I guess}, but I like it. A lot. We're not really finished, since the kids are helping paint the birdhouses and we haven't had enough time {nor have I had an abundance of patience} to get them done. I'd also like to get something to fill it out a bit more...some grapevine or something...so if you have any hanging out in your {local} backyard that you'd be willing to part with, I'd be forever grateful.  Here are some {not so great because the lighting in that corner stinks and I still don't know the best settings to use for our camera} pictures.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Levi!

Our baby boy turns three today. Yes, three years ago today, I called the school to tell Mark he better not leave for his away track meet, and I drove myself {plus the 5,4,and 1 year old} the 25 mintues to my OB-GYN {and soon after, the hospital} appointment while 6-7cm dilated and contracting. Feels like it could have been just last week.
I was kind of hoping this day would have taken much longer to get here. I'm just not ready to say good-bye to the baby days...there are many days where I still wish God had it in the cards for us to have a couple more, but since that doesn't seem to be the case, I'm so thankful that Levi is the munchkin that he gave us to be our "baby". He's such a perfect mix of mischief and sweetness. There are moments where he forces me to ask myself, "Really...you think you could handle another one of these?" and moments where I say to myself, "How could I expect God to give me a better last born than this?" {I mean, I know He can do anything, but this is my expression of contentment at what He has given me...if that makes sense.}
We've loved watching Levi find his voice this year. He hardly talked at all a year ago...to the point that pediatrician suggested having his hearing tested. I knew he was just waiting. We all talked for him so much, I think, that he just didn't feel like he had to. Now, any conversation with him is so animated and enthusiastic.  I just love the way he draws out certain words and his eyebrows...oh his eyebrows...I'm in love with the way he uses them to make his point. He's always the first to make sure you're okay if you pinch a finger or step on a toy. He hardly ever sits still, often challenging the laws of physics, but when he does rest, he gives the best snuggles.
As much as I'll miss having a baby in the house, Lord, I'm so ready to see what you have planned for this amazing little boy. I pray that You continue to protect him physically and grow his compassionate little heart.   

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Fous Fete!

For Valentine's Day my friend Julie shared an idea about doing a mystery dinner. She got her idea here. Fun stuff. So, of course, I had to steal the idea, but I didn't want to wait till next February! I decided to do mine for April Fool's Day, since I never think any good jokes to play. I'm just not a funny person...I'm horrible at lying...a little silly is about as good as it gets from me. Silly on April Fool's Day is good, too, right? This might actually be the most elaborate silly thing I've ever pulled off {I know...I'm pathetic.}

Anyway, here's how it went down:  I put the menu in French {A "Fous Fete" is French for A Fool's Feast} and had the everyone choose what they wanted for each of four courses. They even had to order their utensils. I told them they should choose at least two items for each course, and could order something more than once...or not at all....whatever they wanted.
I worried a bit about how the kids {mostly Ethan} would do with this, and prayed throughout the day that it would just be a fun experience. They are very particular about how they like their food and "hiccups" in the routine don't typically go over so well {and I fully admit I'm the one who has made them that way}. Everyone did great...except Ethan. He was a turd about not knowing what he was picking...and trying to guess what everything was and write down his choices in English. He finally gave in and filled out a menu the way he was supposed to, but wasn't thrilled about the whole thing. Karis had fun choosing her items and helping Levi with his menu, too. 
The laughter and fun overshadowed the few complaints. Everything went really fast {you were so right, Julie!}, so it was hard to get good pictures. Karis ended up ordering soda, cool whip with sprinkles and cookie for her first course...she had to lick her cool whip off the plate since she didn't order a fork or spoon! Levi had noodles, but nothing to eat those with either. We were especially proud of Natalie, who watched all her siblings get Sprite at some point throughout the meal {a special treat in our house}, but didn't once ask where hers was...and of course I rewarded her patience before she left the table. We'll definitely do it again...Lord knows our kids need pushed out of their comfort zones more often.