Saturday, August 28, 2010

He always provides

Here in the Hunter house we are used to coming into summer with the extra cushion of Mark's track coaching pay check. Since he didn't coach last spring, things have been pretty tight the past few weeks. I've been trying to figure out what things I can cut out so we can build the checking account back up and find a way to pay off Mark's car by March, almost 4 years ahead of schedule. I couldn't find much of anything that we can do without, though (believe me...there aren't many extras happening in this house). So I resigned myself to the fact that I was just going to keep saving our nickels and dimes by using my coupons and shopping the clearance racks...and pray they'd add up to more than I was expecting!

I'm so thankful that the Lord knows our hearts and our desire to make the most of the resources He gives us...and then does more than we expect.

On Tuesday night a neighbor called, out of the blue, and asked if they could pay me to watch their kindergartner a few days a week. He is actually our neice's half brother, and one of the little boys that came to our Backyard Bible Club. Dad is going back to school and Mom works full time. He'll be in morning kindergarten, so he'll get off the bus at our house on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and spend about 8-10 hours a week here. He's a good kid and it shouldn't be much trouble at all. I'll still be able to do the morning activities I planned to do with Natalie and Levi, and I think Natalie will really enjoy having him around (I lost track of the number of times this summer she told me she needed to play with someone besides her family!)...hopefully he won't mind entertaining her a bit!

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