Friday, August 13, 2010

A few favorite things...

A few things that have made me smile lately:

After completing the summer reading program at the library, Ethan picked out The Magician's Nephew from the Narnia series as his free book reward. He read all but the last few pages in about a week, and refused to finish it until we went to the library to get the next book, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. He just didn't want the story to end.

A crazily true quote from my younger sister about Natalie while Ethan, Karis, and Natalie spent the weekend with them: "its funny because when she is totally exhausted is the only time she actually acts like a real 3 yr old. the rest of the time its like she's 25."

When you ask Levi a question his response is often an innocent "".

Taking the big kids out on school shopping dates. I love seeing what kinds of things they pick out (whether I approve and let them purchase is another story :O)).

Trusting God to provide and stretch our paychecks each week...and not giving into the temptation to worry about whether it will stretch far enough.

Spending a long weekend with extended family at Oglebay Resort in West Virginia.

Meteor Showers.

Levi going potty on the toilet on a random, but almost daily basis.

Skunk {and other fun} adventures with our friends the Butchers. (and, no, the irony is not lost on us that when we hang out together we are the "Hunters" and the "Butchers")

Running 800m repeats and bringing back some memories of high school and college.

The dryer choosing one of the hottest, but also breezy, days of summer to break down. And my amazing husband who figured out the problem, bought the part, and had it fixed in less than 24 hours and for less than $20.

How much Karis' attitude has changed in the past 6 months. She's far less emotional, cries/whines much less, and smiles much more!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

livin' life...

that's what i like to see...


love and miss (grammy)