Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, I thought summer would be a time for me to start blogging on a regular basis again. I should have known I would just end up filling my time with other things! I love summer vacation, especially since I'm married to a teacher :O).

I must admit, though, for a control freak like myself, it's not quite as wonderful as it sounds some days. I really have a hard time balancing between feeling like my house should look perfect and our days should run smoothly since I have my hubby home everyday to help, and just letting go and enjoying the time we have spend together. I'm totally wired to get everything done, then if there is time I'll rest. He's totally wired to lay on the couch with the kids and watch cartoons for an hour and a half every morning and then just relax for the day. If I don't accomplish like 12 things before 9am, I start to get annoyed with everyone and everything for not feeling like they need to do the same!

So my goal for the next several weeks is to (once again) work on letting go. I (once again) need to get okay with the fact that my toy room is ridiculously dishevelled, my furniture is dusty, some days nothing "monumental" gets accomplished, we have to dig through baskets of folded laundry to find something to wear, and many of the projects on our summer to-do list won't get accomplished.

I'm (once again) expectantly praying for a change in attitude. With June almost over already, I know I can't afford to waste any more precious time worrying what's not getting done and start investing more energy into enjoying this time that I'll never get back!


Stephanie said...

I am SO with you on this (though I don't have nearly as much to balance at the moment). :) I have a hard time, too, just letting go and enjoying my time off...I feel like since I am home not working right now I need to get caught up on everything, when deep down I know I'll never get this time back with Sera. Thanks for the reminder...I'm working on it, too! :)

Robin said...

hey at least the laundry in your baskets is FOLDED :)