Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Snow Day!!

Surprise, surprise, right?!?!? This one was actually a bit of a surprise in that Mark only got a two-hour delay, but the kids' district cancelled. That very rarely happens because of his district's {ridiculously} horrible country roads. I'm usually all gung-ho about snow days, but I was a little torn this time around since we had MOPS this morning and I was scheduled to share a testimony, as were some other ladies that I was looking forward to hearing from.  When schools cancel, so do we, since there would be an overabundance of extra kids! 

Aside from a few "incidents", we enjoyed our time together. There were messes made, video games played, Newsboys blasted while we cleaned up around the house a bit, a batch of soft pretzels made, and, of course, some snow fun enjoyed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How does everyone like the pretzels?? Missed MOPS too!