My friend got me the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, a few weeks ago. I've been wanting to read it for a while, ever since our youth group talked about reading it while they were doing their missions trips over the summer. It's a quick read, but, for me anyway, really kind of heavy spiritually. As I've mentioned before, I'm a slow processer, but I'm really hoping to post a few thoughts on the book and how it is stirring my soul. Unfortunately, my time to think is not abundant at this point, so you're gonna get some small, random chunks...hope you don't mind :O)...
So here is the first quote that struck me:
R.C. Sproul writes, "Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God."
I serve an amazing God. The One who placed trillions of stars in the sky and knows each one by name. The One who is, at this moment, dropping snowflake after unique snowflake outside my window. The One who knows exactly how many seconds my heart will beat on this earth.
In the great scheme of the universe and history of the world, my life isn't more than a speck of dust. Niether is yours. Yet, day after day, we try to convice ourselves that we are something. That we can accomplish something. That we are entitled to the "American Dream". We chase after careers, beautifully furnished homes, perfect children, name brand wardrobes, retirement nest eggs.
Really? These are things we are going to put time and effort into?
This amazing God, who spoke mountains into place and designed every atom in every particle of matter on earth, created us for relationship with Him. Not only did He create us for himself, but He loved us enough that He sent his only Son to die for us. He sent his Son to die for erase every stupid, cruddy, foolish thing I've ever done and will ever do.
And we're going to invest ourselves in things that mean nothing ten years down the road, let alone eternity?
I think our society makes it so hard for us to take our focus off of what the world sees as significant and focus on what God sees as significant. I say this with my own conflict over the idea that I do believe that God wants us to be happy and live life here on earth "to the full"...because that's what anyone wants for those they love. He allows us to experience joy and happiness for a reason. He gives us dreams and passions for a reason. Yet, I feel that we, too often, strive after things that we think will make us somebody, when God just wants us to be His. He just wants us to sit in his "lap", look around us, believe that we are a result of his majesty, and fall crazily in love...
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