Sunday, January 1, 2012

5...going on 15....

Our Natalie-girl turned 5 on the 29th of December. Such a crazy time to have a birthday. {I had every intent of completing her slideshow on time and getting it posted on her actual day because I hate that it seems like her celebration gets lost in the hustle and bustle, but, of course, I forgot to take the computer on our trip to my parents' house and failed on the supermom gig once again.}

At five years old, Natalie often has the attitude you might expect from a 15 year old {which I never expected from one of our kids}. With the attitude, though, comes a unique maturity and ability to communicate that our first two didn't have. It is so interesting to watch her express herself. There were days in her younger years when we had worried that she might be the trouble maker of her class at school, but she has proved us wrong. Her teacher has stopped me more than once to commend her obedience...doing the right thing even before she is told to. She is a people watcher and people pleaser...constantly observing what is going on around her. She is a girl of prayer...often catching on to a need in a passing conversation and then bringing that need to the Lord later in the day. We love her like crazy and can't wait to see how she'll grow this year.   

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