Thursday, September 16, 2010

I did it!!

Well, I ran my half-marathon this past Sunday. Don't look at me funny, but...I really enjoyed it!! I know it sounds so weird to run 13 miles and say that you've enjoyed it, but I did. I think I might officially become a half-marathoner.

(my cheering squad...that's one of my high school track coaches in the yellow jacket :O))

Seriously, though, I had the "perfect" experience.

I could train while my hubby was home with the kids or they tagged along on bikes. {There were two times I left the kids with a neighbor friend for quick work-outs, and I managed to get over the guilt of that. I mean, how many times have you left your kids with a friend so you could get to your hair or doctor appointment or whaterver. I've convinced myself it's not any different...}
I experienced no injuries and never even got a blister until my 12 mile run.

All the kids started sleeping all night for about the last month, so I was well rested.

The training plan worked step by step. {I did alter the last week a bit since our schedule was crazy, I had that wonderful monthly visitor, and the mileage just seemed really high to me.}

I don't think I could have asked for a better race morning. The weather was overcast and cool. The crowd wasn't overwhelming. My nerves settled after my second "potty" stop before the start, and I didn't have to take any potty stops along the way. Everything went smoothly.

Once the horn blew, I just settled in and had almost two hours of "church". It was really an amazing feeling. I was doing what I feel like God created my body to do in a place that He created for me to enjoy while quietly singing prayers and praise to Him.

My goal was to cross the finish line in 2 hours or less, with no walking. At about 9 miles I knew that {unless something crazy happened} I was going to finish under 2 hours. At that point my goal became to get as close to 1:50 as possible. I finished in 1:51 and some seconds (official times haven't been posted yet)...and I didn't have to walk at all!
It felt good accomplishing this goal. I still think, at some point, I'll try a full marathon, but I'm waiting till the time is right...and I think I'll only put myself through one of those, just to say I did. But this half-marathon thing I could definitely see myself doing on a somewhat regular basis. That's okay with you, Mark, right? :O)


Anonymous said...


Val..what a great accomplishment...

Your name and time were in the paper...

We love you honey...what a fun time we had!

Ashlie said...

Awesome job Val!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I'm so excited that you enjoyed it!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Amy said...

Good Job Val! You are freaking amazing! Look at your time, and just the fact you accomplished it!!!

Valerie Hunter said...

Thanks, ladies...and mom. Amy, one of these days I'll have to come down to Columbus and run that one with you!