Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Here are just a couple quick funnies.  Lots of mental and physical busyness happening around here, so I'm hoping this holds ya'll over till I can {hopefully...probably...maybe} get a bigger post written towards the end of the week.

Levi after taking his amoxicillan:   "I have a pistachio (mustache)?"  {We've been eating a lot of pistachio's recently :O)}

Dinner time discussion about whether family members are right or left naming off relative after relative asking which hand they use...
Mark:  "I think Aunt Mary {Mark's aunt} is left-handed."
Natalie:  "Nooo...she's too old to have a left hand."

This is a video of Levi praying.  He always starts with "Thank you for...", then continues on with sort of "hummm".  We are thinking maybe he's preparing for the monastary.  In this one he says "Thank you for praying...".  If you watch closely, after he's done humming, you can see his lips moving as he whispers prayers for some other unintelligable things. The innocence and sweetness of it makes us chuckle everytime!

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